temperature check

Why Auto TempScan Integrations are Crucial for your Visitor Management System

Many businesses are following the CDC guidelines to, “conduct an on-site symptom assessment, including temperature screening, prior to each visit. Ideally, screening should happen before the individual enters the facility.” It is stated that 88% of individuals with COVID-19 show signs of a fever, therefore temperature screening is one of the most practical ways to help potentially infected individuals from interacting with others.

How Hospitals are Balancing Visitor Management Challenges with Continued COVID Screening Requirements

The early months of 2020 ushered in a virus that not only took over headlines, but took over the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of people around the globe, bucking social norms, workplace rules, and basic everyday life. Healthcare workers find themselves at risk, working round-the-clock to find a cure, comforting those afflicted, and protecting the public from an invisible foe. The pandemic brought unprecedented challenges and decisions that require nimble and unique solutions.