
SUMMER BLOG SERIES: Self-Registration Kiosks - Deploy a Contactless Process for Visitor Registration

STOPware is excited to announce our SUMMER BLOG SERIES: Self-Registration Kiosks. And our first topic to tackle is how to deploy a contactless process for visitor registration. 

A popular post-pandemic requirement for visitor management is a contactless process to check-in and check-out visitors in a safe way. Today, more so than ever, visitors are required to have an appointment before arriving on site and upon arrival, will have some sort of check in process to further validate their information.

How Hospitals are Balancing Visitor Management Challenges with Continued COVID Screening Requirements

The early months of 2020 ushered in a virus that not only took over headlines, but took over the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of people around the globe, bucking social norms, workplace rules, and basic everyday life. Healthcare workers find themselves at risk, working round-the-clock to find a cure, comforting those afflicted, and protecting the public from an invisible foe. The pandemic brought unprecedented challenges and decisions that require nimble and unique solutions.