Need Help Tracking Visitor Proof of Vaccination?

Duration: 22:00


Managing visitors during the COVID-19 pandemic remains a significant challenge for many organizations. Businesses are now tasked with collection of contact tracing information, health survey questions, temperature checks and the latest requirements for tracking vaccination status.

Collecting, recording, and maintaining proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test can be a time consuming and tedious process that puts extra burden on human resources, administrators, and front-desk personnel. Organizations that employ a visitor management system have a leg-up in complying with the vaccination mandate. 

PassagePoint Global now offers a Vaccination Capture Feature to assist with compliance with government mandates for proof of vaccination or COVID testing requirements for visitors and employees. Many states and/or industries  now require that organizations must either: (1) verify visitors are fully vaccinated, or (2) verify documentation of a negative SARS-CoV-2 test for unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated visitors.

This new function adds a registration workflow where a visitor must provide proof of complete vaccination and stores the following information:

  • Date of Vaccination: The date of the second vaccination dose that indicates when the person is considered fully vaccinated per the official government guideline.
  • Vaccination Type: The manufacturer of an approved COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Vaccination Proof: An uploaded image that is used as the proof of vaccination for the visitor. 

The rate of vaccination in the United States has steadily increased over the past few months, but there are cases where a person chooses not to get vaccinated but must present a timely negative COVID-19 test to gain entry to a facility. In these cases, PassagePoint with - Vaccination Capture allows a visitor to present a COVID-19 test report that the system captures and stores, similar to the action of capturing a vaccination record.